
Creating a BLOG!!

Hello students.

Today we will create a tool that we will use for our future classes. We will create a blog. In the following videos you will learn about blogs. Before watching the videos be sure to follow these instructions:

1. Create a KWL chart like this one in a Word document and fill in the first column.


What I know about Blogs…


What I want to know about blogs…


What I learnt about blogs…

2. Watch this video

3. And now fill in the second column by writing down in your own words what is a Blog in the same word document.

4. Watch this video:

5. Create your Blog. Make sure the Title of your blog is "(YOUR NAME) UPPER-INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH BLOG", and the url of your blog "(YOURNAME)UPPER-INTERMEDIATE" (all together).

6. Fill in the last Column of your chart.

7. Create your first post like this:

Title: My first post

Body: Copy/Paste the work you did in the Word document.

8. Identify the url of your blog (e.g. http://masterzea.blogspot.com/).

9. Go to http://masterzea.wikispaces.com/ click on EDIT, and in the chart write your code, name, and the url of your blog. Finally click on save.

Thanks for your work!
Bye bye!

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