
Upper Intermediate 2nd Strike Exam

PLEASE:  When you get your certificate, publish it in your blog.  Do not forget to put your name in the beginning of the Test.


Check your Test

Here is the answer key to your test.  Please check your test, identify your mistakes, and reflect upon your errors.  In this opportunity I would like you to create an exercise based on your errors.  It is very important that you QUESTION the answer key.  Answer Keys are never the last word.

And remember...

An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in his understanding of things. 
Bryant H. McGill 
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/errors.html#T0OX14vid7IwOCJe.99 


Why don't you get a job?

This unit we have been speaking about jobs. You had a great working week, so this class we are going to enjoy some music.

First of all analyze what this song is about based on the following graphic:

Create a blog with the title:  Why don't you get a Job?

Write and find the definition of the unknown vocabulary from the previous picture.

Answer the following questions in your blog:

What is the song about?
Have you ever worked for others while they do nothing?   Would you like to do that? Why? Why not?
Is it fun to let others work while you do nothing? Why? Why not?

Now Listen to the song:

Are there any expressions that you found unusual? Write them on your blog, and find the meaning of them.

Find the lyrics of the song and study them with this website:



Application Letters

Post the answers to the following tasks in your blog, under the title APPLICATION  LETTERS.

1.  Define what is an application letter.

2.  When do you write an application letter?

3.  What is the structure of an application letter?

4.  Write 5 important TIPS for writing application letters.

5.  Write an application letter for your dream job.

This video may help you in your task



iSpeak Colombia 2012

Good Evening,

Today you are require to register and present the test in order to get the ispeak certification.  To do that, please click on the following link and fill in your personal info:

After filling in the information, be sure to watch this video in order to start your certification


Transactional Letters


Here are your tasks:

1.  Make a post with the title: Transactional Letters.  In this post answer the following questions:

-What is a transactional letter?
-What are the 6 steps when writing a transactional letter?
-What is the most important information that you should take into account at the time of writing a transactional letter?

2.  Choose one of the tasks from page 37 and 38 and complete it. You should write between 120 and 180 words.


Writing Letters or E-mails

Writing E-mails is not that easy.  There are many things to consider.  For a starter lets watch the following video:

Every time we write an e-mail its important to consider some rules.  There are a set of rules that are called Netiquette.  And there are some specific ones for writing e-mails.  See if you can find information about e-mail netiquette.


1.  Make a post expressing why it is important to follow the rules of Netiquette for e-mails and share one of your experiences where someone or even you violated these rules. (Title of your post: RULES OF NETIQUETTE).

2.   What is the difference between informal letters and formal letters?  In which cases do you use each type of letter?

3.  Please create a post with the title "Two letters" and create the following two letters following the rubric.  Use the vocabulary suggested in your book in order to create your letters.


You have a friend that is going through a very difficult situation.  You want to cheer him/her up.  You have recently heard a song that can cheer him up.  Tell him/her why you consider that this song can help to overcome this difficult time.

Write a letter to your friend of no more than 200 words and not less than 150 words where you give him good reasons to cheer up based on the following song:

You don't have to write an address. Start your letter as follows:

Dear friend (or name of your friend),


Select a food product that you really love.  A product that is made by a famous factory (e.g Bimbo, Ramo, Alpina, Hershey's, etc)  You love this product so much that you have decided to tell the company how much you love it.  You also have some suggestions to improve the product.

Write a letter to your friend of no more than 200 words and not less than 150 words where you tell the company how much you love the product, the reasons why you love it, and you give them some advices to improve it.

You don't have to write an address. Start your letter as follows:

Dear (name of the company),


Prepositions of place

Let's play some simple and fun games.

Just click on the following links

Prepositions of Place

Where is the dog?

Now time to work!

Fill in the following chart in your blog, find the pictures first and then make the sentences.  (Follow the example)

In front

She is in front of the ship.





Next to


In front


Upload your PPP and evaluate your classmates' PPP


In this class I will ask you to upload you PowerPoint Presentation to your blog. Here is how to do it.

Now, taking into account the presentation I did last class please evaluate 5 classmates.

Here is the presentation if you want to remember it.

Death By Power Point
View more presentations from eduruiz8

Now please evaluate 5 classmates from 0 to 5 and justify your grade by commenting their post.

Please be sure that your name is clear when you comment in your classmates' blogs.


Cooperation Vs. Competition

For today's class you will research about Cooperation vs. Competition.

I will invite you to watch a video and follow these Guidelines.

Create a Post with the title Cooperation Vs. Competition.

1. In your own words define each of the terms.

2. Which term do you think is more appropriate for life: Competition or Cooperation?

3. As a future teacher in which aspect do you think we should focus on and why?

4. Watch the following video, a part of the documentary I AM by Tom Shadyac. Write down your reflection after watching the video about the two terms being discussed (Cooperation and Competition).

5. Write webography about the two terms.

6. After doing the research, what is your position on Cooperation vs. Competition?

7. Copy some quotes from the webography you have consulted that will back up your position.

8. Make an outline of a possible 3 minute presentation you will do for next class.


Evaluation of Pronunciation

Click here for larger version

Analyzing Vocabulary in Newspaper Articles

Good Evening!

Today we will continue analyzing the vocabulary in newspaper articles. Today you will create TWO posts.

Post 1:
Title: Analyzing Vocabulary of Newspaper Articles I
For this post please fill in the following chart according to the articles you analyzed last week.



Key words

Topic related expressions


'Humans killed off Australia's giant beasts'


Colombia forces 'kill 35 FARC rebels' in Meta


Guatemala's president urges debate on drug legalization


Nicaragua bids to stem deforestation with eco-soldiers


Susan Boyle musical opens in Newcastle


Titanic/ Kate Winslet and James Cameron at 3D premiere


Post 2
Title: Analyzing Vocabulary of Newspaper Articles II
For this post please find a Technology Newspaper article and an article of your preference (any topic) and fill in the chart of the previous post according to the articles you just read.



Key words

Topic related expressions